Where can I find Inland Ocean Self Storage?
Inland Self Storage can be found in Lake Leelanau, Michigan 49653 on 7334 E. Duck Lake Road. We’re in a business driven area, so there’s plenty of landmarks to help guide you to us including Samaritans’ Closet and Northern Latitudes Distillery.
When can I visit your office?
Our office is open from 9:00am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
How can I pay my storage bill?
Don’t stress about taking time throughout the week to pay your storage bill in our office. Pay your bill online within a few minutes right from your couch.
Do you offer drive-up access?
Yes we do offer drive-up access. They’re a prominent feature of our storage units because they make the move-in day less stressful and save on time. Pull your vehicle up to your unit door and load your belongings within a few short steps.
I need a place to store my RV, car and boat. Do have offer spaces?
Of course we do. With all of this Michigan water, we have to have place for our campers and boat owners to keep their RVs and boats while they’re not in use. Call us to see what available spaces we have or rent a space on our unit prices page.
Is your facility safe?
Our facility is overseen by security cameras 24/7 and when you’re not here and we’re closed for the day, your storage is locked down and secured.
Am I able to visit my storage 24 hours a day?
Visit your storage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.